Sunday, June 29, 2008
Maple Valley In Full Bloom
Yellow World -- From ascending mountains to flowing streams, Maple Valley is a practical home away from home. Situated in Yellow world, this fertile valley is the latest update to the world by its watchful caretaker, Digigurl.
Maple Valley is a pre-terrained building area, sporting customized terrain for the builders. Such features are a far-cry from the standard flat grasslands of the world. In this area, builders can now have a lakeside home or mountain cabin without having to build the entire environment themselves!
Not intent on breaking the theme of the world, a cabin has been placed in the center of the valley as the ground zero area. Quick teleports to the Yellow object yard and texture yard can be found there. A small list of rules can also be found here.
For builders, the global Apollo bot services are always available here. To begin building, just find your ideal location and say ap:seed! Also, holes in the terrain or any other local services can be arranged by Digigurl on request.
As a final accompaniment to this new area, Digigurl also announced that the object path had been updated. If you're interested in building in Maple Valley, you can teleport there or say ap:goto PT2 in Yellow World.
AWMyths 1st Anniversary Contest
AWMyths World -- Do you think you have a cool idea for an adventure-type quest that people will enjoy? Build a rough sketch of it in a public building world such as AW, AWTeen, or Yellow world! If you're not a good builder, then assemble a team of builders to collectively work on the project! All ideas will be judged on July 15th with the winner receiving build rights in AWMyths on July 16th to put his/her/their creation into action! In addition, every member of the submission group will receive 5,000 SP (in-game money).
In order to place a submission, please send an e-mail to with the following criteria:
- Name(s) of all people involved
- Coordinates to the rough sketch of the adventure
- Short description of what the adventure is all about (in case it isn't clear in the build)
If you're working in a group, please keep registered group members restricted to a maximum of 3 people.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
'Ashianae’s Journey' Galaxy Opens for Alpha Testing
AWForums -- Draedan Entertainment announced today that it was looking for Alpha Testers for its current project, Ashianae's Journey. Responsible for the AW world AWRPG, this new pay-to-play game is on its own galaxy server and is set to be released next year.
A representative from Draedan Entertainment, Poseidon, posted the following release on the Active Worlds Official Forums.
For a few months a group of us have been working to materialize a new gaming experience based on the AW software. At this point in time we are looking for people who would be interested in alpha testing. The game is not incredibly far along, though there are plenty of things to test such as the mechanics of combat, and how they effect our servers.
If you're interested in being a part of our testing, and seeing how the game shapes up as it progresses please visit our site and drop us an alpha tester application... We'd love to involve AW users, and get feed back from the community at large.
The website for the game can be found at:
To clarify for people... This development is taking place in an AW Galaxy, and worked on by a few of us AW citizens. The basis of the games history has similar roots to that of AWRPG, but this is by no means a continuation of AWRPG itself, in any capacity. Comments and questions are always welcome. More information about the intents of the game, its mechanics, and the Alpha program can be found in the "About" and "Alpha Testing" sections, respectively.
Focusing heavily on questing and puzzle solving, Ashianae's Journey aspires to provide engaging quests and interactive storyline development. Combat will be in the game, both Player-vs-Player and Player-vs-Environment (i.e. monsters), however it will take a 'back-seat' to more engaging activities.
The alpha testing application can be found here.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
AWTeen to Hold Pioneer CAV Contest
AWTeen World -- Ready to show off your Custom Avatar? Wasting no time after the release of 4.2, AWTeen announced that it would be holding a CAV Contest on Saturday, June 28 at 8:00 PM VRT. The location will be announced before the event begins.
There is no general theme to judge by, so feel free to make your avatar as outrageous or as sophisticated as you please. Participants will only be able to submit one avatar, and the best male and female avatars will win a prize.
This contest is one of the first events to utilize custom avatars. The lack of theme may make it difficult to judge fairly, and may lead to future 'beauty contests' to be themed and focused on objective qualities. Talk of this is already being spread by some users, wanting contests to design avatars after famous people or characters.
Users that are unable to make the date can still participate! Simply upload a screenshot of your CAV and send the url to Joshua in-world. Screenshots must be turned in by June 28.
Tip: Users who need to take a screenshot can get a full-body shot of their cav by opening up the CAV Window, and cropping the dressing room out of the screenshot.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Forums Integrate Social Networking Infrastructure
To elaborate, Friday's update to 3.7 allowed Martin to integrate several major social networking features into the forum. These features allow groups of users with common interests to create social groups to discuss them independent from the main forums, the ability to upload and organize photos to a photo album, a completely redesigned and retooled user profile, and the ability for mutual friendships.
Though introduced without great fanfare, this new social networking infrastructure has the potential to be extremely useful to the Active Worlds citizen base. What these new tools are essentially doing is giving citizens a common ground to share not only their interests, but their communities and also to display their in-world content by filling photo albums with screenshots of Active Worlds. Citizens that don't have the knowledge or the resources to create their own website may use the group feature to host their organization, and with integration into the forums they already have a potential audience.
Furthermore, these new features -- if used as intended -- may help to relieve some stress on the main forums. With the addition of public messaging on user profiles, some of the stress caused by two users chatting in a thread may be alleviated.
Much of this is only conjecture, but these are possibilities of what this new infrastructure can provide. Their integration into the forums means that citizens can already readily access it without any hassle! Perhaps I should leave the rest to the reader, though. If you are interested in these new features, simply access the forums and visit your User Control Panel. Have fun!
Babylon Building Competition Finishes Up
AWTeen World -- Tuesday marked the last day of building in the AWTeen “Buildings of Babylon” building competition. Started about a month ago on May 19, contestants were given one month to build any recognized Wonder of the World, as listed by Wikipedia. Because of this theme, entries were vast, ranging from the Panama Canal to the Coliseum of Rome to a wireless router, representing the Internet.
Working with a lot size four times bigger than given for normal AWTeen building contests, such as hyperbuilds, fourteen people completed their builds for the contest, which are now being voted on. In order to vote, teleport to AWTeen, type in “^votenow”, and click on the picture of the build that you wish to vote for. Voting ends on Sunday, and results are announced that evening.
All of the builds can be seen by teleporting to 0n 3500w in AWTeen, or going into the world and typing ^jump Babylon.
Written by Matthew - AWTeen Correspondent
Thursday, June 19, 2008
On the way to the forums...
Note: This is an opinion piece and reflects the opinion of the author.
Over the past few days, I have begun to notice a striking anomaly. Despite the fact that (at best) the Active Worlds universe having a user count of about 200, the AW Forums has an active user count of about 60. There are, in fact, 89 users with over 100 posts, but I am disregarding a few who only visit the forums to post updates and news and do not actually contribute to discussions or enriching of the community.
Why is this the case? For any other online community, there is generally a strong positive correlation between active user count of the product and that of the official forums. Upon reflection, I find time and time again that one of the main reasons for such a discrepancy is that there is a strong stigma associated with the forums: they are often seen as immature and superfluous.
This perspective was brought to my attention in one of the posts on the forums. I would quote for you, but unfortunately that whole thread has been deleted. Regardless, the context of the thread was that it was slowly descending into a flame war between Queen RaMel o and several other members, myself included, and at one point or another, King RaMel o jumped into the fray and said, to paraphrase, “these forums are a joke anyway.”
This struck a chord with me. Is this actually the case? In my mind, it never occurred to me that such a perception of the AW forums could exist. Despite a few individuals who ruin the experience for others, the forums are generally filled with smart citizens.
I am sure you are well aware, but there is a divide in the citizenry of AW. On one side, there are the people who live in AWGate, lock themselves in their ivory towers of AWEC and AWHS, and who would never be caught dead without their trusty macros, affectionately known as the “Huggles” by the other side of the schism. On said side, there are the people who generally hang around AWTeen, or are generally seen around technological innovations around the universe. As I have been perceived to sit on this side of the spectrum, I am not aware if they have dubbed us any names, but I shall call this side the “Kids” as this seems to be the typical view of the Huggles. Now I generalise heavily when I split the two, I am sure many people sit somewhere between the two extremes.
There seems to be pretty strong animosity between the two groups, as seen in an alarming tendency for members of the Huggles group to immediately dismiss anything said by a Kid, as would be evident (and if I had an undeleted forum thread to link to, I would) on the forums. Of course, I am biased in that I would be considered a Kid, so I cannot write objectively, and nor do I attempt to do so: it may very well be the case that Kids often dismiss the arguments of Huggles. But the broader picture here involves both parties being in the wrong, as I explain later.
But I digress. My point is that this divide can be seen in the forums. The majority of the aforementioned active forum users will most definitely fall into the category of Kids. The lack of any strong presence of the Huggles community is particularly clear when a Huggle posts a thread boasting Huggle morals and mentalities, and suddenly there is this strong stream of people, who are never active and are often making their first posts on the forums, voicing vehement support. One can just smell the vicious ctrl-c ctrl-p that has occurred to produce a mass amount of chain telegrams asking people to agree with the thread mindlessly.
And of those Huggles that are regular posters to the boards, they do see the forums as a joke. Forum etiquette is shoved aside for a stream of new threads containing personal jokes and obtuse references that are clearly intended for one person. And when questioned about this behaviour, Huggles tell Kids are told to “lighten up”. To us Kids, we have all established that there is such a thing as forum etiquette that applies not just the AW forums, but to any forum on the internet.
Which reminds me, when I defined what a Kid was, I mentioned a tendency to be affiliated with innovative technologies. I chose this definition because it helps with my next point. When the AW forums were initially unveiled, I am very tempted to suggest the notion that those citizens that immediately jumped on board were Kids.
Naturally, this makes sense. Forums are a great way of not only discussion of ideas and notification of the goings on of the universe, but also a great way to bring the community a lot closer together. Kids, I venture to say, are almost all well versed in forum conduct and understand the purpose and nature of forums, and if they are not, they very quickly pick it up. Now, do not mistake this as an ode to the greatness of being a Kid, nor a condemnation of the mentality of the Huggles, as it is neither.
Such a face-paced and strong conglomeration of Kids has inadvertently created an environment that is very strongly biased to the Kids. In fact, seeing as most of us knew each other in one way or another before the advent of the forums, it was not so much establishing the forum community, but rather the forums became another medium to communicate with each other. Very quickly we were bringing in our own in-jokes and initiating new ones.
Huggles, who in my view, were slow in adoption of the forums. This would half be due to the fact that the existence of the forums was not well known and publicised (and still is not). But when a Huggle does find the forums, coupled with their lack of experience with forums in general ( and I mean general is the most non-offensive way possible), it becomes very hard for them to introduce themselves into the environment we create.
My contention is that due to this inability to penetrate the walls of the AW forums, a stronger divide has been founded between Huggles and Kids. The Huggles view the forums as a playground for the Kids - which in many respects, it is - so when they do come, they come without any serious intent and merely poke around in jest. And this is responsible for why King RaMel o concludes that “the forums are just a joke anyway”.
I believe that view to be a stigma, and like all good stigmas, it is, at the very core, untrue. Forums are in fact a very good way of communication and community founding; they facilitate the discussion and refinement of ideas; and they allow a platform for people to get known throughout the community. It is a shame that such a great resource can be clouded by such strong misconceptions.
So what can be done?
This is an issue for the community as a whole, and so the situation can only be rectified by the community as a whole. That is, there are things that can and ought to be done by both Huggles and Kids.
Realize that opinions do vary. Inasmuch as that while Person A may disagree with Person B on Topic X, the two may agree with Topic Y. There is a alarming trend where two people disagree on Topic X, it is automatically assumed that topic Topic Y must be in disagreement as well. This view is simply ludicrous and merely lumps people into perceptual categories, defeating the concept of individuals. We need to embrace and celebrate the varying opinions on topics, this is what generates (what is normally) stimulating and well thought out discussion of ideas and concepts.
The Kids need to realize that they have formed a very strong environment with very clearly defined boundaries. The simple mass number of jokes shared amongst the Kid community makes joining the forums standoffish to a Huggle. My suggestion is not the abolishment of these inter-personal references, but ensure that they are used appropriately and within moderation. Let us assume a Huggle makes a new thread, to instantly respond with a reference they will not understand does not help things. This does not refer simply to in-jokes between people on the forums, but applies also to people who post pictures with a caption like “THIS THREAD MAKES BABY JESUS CRY” or something to that effect, which may confuse and disorientate Huggles.
And the Huggles also have their own responsibilities. Give the forums a chance, for once. Do not be put off by the fact that a few people may have made you feel distanced because they referenced something outside your knowledge. Chances are this was not a deliberate attempt of alienation but rather just a norm. We are not expecting you to start using such idiosyncrasies, but simply learn what they are and what they represent: every day forum behaviour by some users. Similarly, you know what it is like to be clueless about a reference, do not come into the forums simply to post threads which contain in-jokes. Forums are not a place for person-to-person communication, instead it is person-to-community. Finally, forums are a place for discussion of ideas, do not make a post and abandon it and never return, reply to replies – that is the only way our ideas are refined and grow and develop.
While I do not believe that this divide between the Huggles and the Kids is the only reason the forums are not as bustling as the Active Worlds universe user count would suggest, I maintain that it is a major contributing factor to the discrepancy of forum-to-universe user count. Although I may have over polarized things a bit, I have only done so to best illustrate the differences of mentalities and how that develops environments which have become hostile and unpleasant for both groups to co-exist. The forums are a fantastic resource and ought to be a platform from which a strong Active Worlds community can be founded. This is particularly important in current times when user counts are low as they are. By presenting a united front, we facilitate the sharing and discussion of ideas, which will ultimately lead us to greater knowledge.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
AWFX Restored to Original State
AWFX World -- Reopening last week after extended downtime, the popular world to gather and share free matfx, particle, and zone effects was reopened by Active Worlds, Incorporated. Following recent events concerning the expulsion of the previous caretaker, AWI assumed direct management over the world and restored the world to a backup from mid-2006.
Between this development and the prolonged closure of the world for updating, AWI Community Liaison Flagg felt it necessary to restore the world so it may be used as a public resource once again. When prompted to comment on the current state of the world, Flagg has this to say:
S e V e N s did a wonderful job with his original additions to the AWFX world.In search of new effects to begin repopulating the world, Flagg has launched a new "share" format within the world, allowing users to create their effects on individual plots. Users wishing to obtain a plot in AWFX to submit their original content may e-mail Flagg at
Unfortunately, his recent update project stalled and the world has been closed for longer than we'd like for a community resource.
With Sevs now away from Activeworlds it seemed best to restore the original world so that those resources could be accessed by the community again.
We will accept submissions for adding more content, but it should only be content you make or have permission from the creator to submit.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Has the lesson been learned?
I'm posting this at the risk of losing quite a few friends I have in AW, however I feel it needs to be said.
I've heard rumors about Sevens getting unbanned. For those of you that do not know why he was banned (does anyone not know?), he was banned for standing by and supporting NobleClock's deletion of AWTeen Ground Zero. Sevens was a community leader, as Flagg posted, for AWFX and Mars. AWFX has been restored to its original state. I'm not quite sure Sevens ever got around to doing very much with Mars. So as far as I know, no action with Mars was taken.
My problem with all of this is Sevens has ways to get in touch of some AWI Staff members after hours, so he says. I find it disgusting that he watched it, applauded it and is going to end up with a tap on the hand telling him "Bad Boy."
The hours of frustration Flagg, Martin and Strike Rapier went through to restore AWTeen to the best of their abilities is apparently not enough to get someone banned for long enough to learn a lesson. I'm not saying that this happens on a regular basis, it doesn't, but its a big thing, and should, in my opinion, be treated as such. If Sevens is let back into the universe in the near future, I hope AWI has enough integrity to not allow him to have CT of any AWI worlds. He proved he doesn't respect one of their worlds, AWTeen, and it got him banned. So stupidity says, give him a different one? Puhleese!
Flagg posted about NobleClock complaining he wanted more power, and now we see why it would've been a bad idea to give it to him. But what about Sevens? Strike Rapier fired Sevens as Object Path Manager after the NewEra/Brant fiasco where Sevens gave permission for the AWTeen OP to be used. Since this, he has complained that Strike Rapier refuses to give him another chance. He applied to be a Just Ask Me guide and couldn't figure out why his application was denied. If we are going to condemn NobleClock, shouldn't we be doing the same to Sevens? Was Sevens not once an AWTeen Community Member?
Another issue I have is I see well respected citizens posting stuff for Sevens on the forums. I can only wonder what they are thinking. Is the possibility there for this to backfire on them? If someone is banned from something (in this case, the forums) please have the decency to not post things for them.
Who is more at fault? The murderer or the guy standing by laughing and encouraging it? In my opinion, they're about the same. We're not dealing with murder of people, but quite a few builds were lost in the destruction.
Winter World Open For Viewing
Winter World -- After several months of development, Winter opened today for public viewing. Slated to be Active Worlds' next public building world, Winter world is a massive (p-500) winter-themed island that is covered with snowcapped mountains and sleepy valleys.
Led by Talisan, Winter is being developed by a small team of builders, modelers and bot developers. Their work includes a unique land-distribution bot, and various builders who are producing areas for sight-seeing.
The world is taking a different direction than other building worlds in that a bot is currently in development that will allow users to buy plots of land through a currency called Tokens. Upon it's completion, each user will receive 3,000 initial tokens and a stipend of 1,500 tokens every following week they are active within the world.
For those interested in something more tangible, the world as it stands hosts some very beautiful sites. Upon entering Winter's ground zero the user finds themself in a grand lodge that, after short examination, is clearly the handiwork of Ferruccio.
Exploring east outside of the lodge will reveal a large world map, with important areas marked by yellow cylinders. One such area explored was the Miraloma Hot Springs (Winter 225s 162w), which provides not only a nice break to the frozen landscape, but a scenic and slightly hidden gem.
Our trip to Winter world was very enjoyable, and we recommend you also take a trip to visit! If you're interested in helping the Winter staff in any way, they are still looking for people to build special projects and also for modelers to make sporting goods that can be made into movers. If this is up your alley, you can contact Talisan in-world to help out.
See you on the slopes!
AW Username:
Citizen Number:
How long have you used AW?
What position would you like to hold? (Select one of the following)
-General Writer
-Opinion Writer
-Organization/Community Correspondent
If you would not like your articles published to any of the following organizations, please specify here.
If you would like to be a correspondent with an organization or community, why? What is your relationship with them?
Please send with your application an article that you would intend to publish. This is to assess your ability as a writer and get your foot in the door in terms of articles.
Thank you for your interest in the Active Worlds Press Corps!
New Beginnings: Introducing the Active Worlds Press Corps
Drawing from that, there has been a 'climate change' of sorts in Active Worlds over the past year. The average user count in the universe has dropped off sharply, and as such the readership of news has also dropped. Despite the hard-working efforts of those left who are working to get the news out -- Flagg, Maki, Lensman, Strike Rapier, Syntax and myself just off the top of my head -- it's getting increasingly difficult to get the news out. Not only because of a dwindling readership, because also of the smaller pool of writers.
Indeed, one could not believe how difficult it is to get people to write about AW. A longtime friend of mine on Active Worlds, Maki, went so far as to try a program where he would pay your citizenship for that month if you wrote an article per month. One article! It was quite possibly the best deal across Active Worlds at that time, but even that fell on deaf ears.
Consequently, I became rather pessimistic about recruitment to the AW news services until the idea for this service began to form. Think about it: The publishers do a stellar job to provide a place to publish the news. AWNews and the AW Newsletter are both graphically pleasing and well-formatted under maki's leadership; AWPortals' chronicles are a prime and efficient example of publishing; and Lensman's AWSource world will soon provide a unique way to look at the news. I believe in each of these organizations: People enjoy seeing that things are going on and I believe that the userbase at large is encouraged to see news stories, which report on the very happenings in the universe! That is why news is important, and I think these publishers can flourish if it weren't for one small setback. They don't have any writers!
Therefore, this is where I say we should step in. As one of AWNews' old slogans said, things DO still happen in Active Worlds, and we need to get that out. With the establishment of the Active Worlds Press Corps, my mission is to recruit and train people to write about things going on in their part of the Active Worlds community. From this small blog we will act as a supplement to the major publishers, providing content to fill their infrastructure. Active Worlds has changed, and we must adapt. You see, we can't move and we are certainly not going to die.
If you're interested in this new project, please take a moment to fill out a quick application in the next post.